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Ms. Dykstra's 1st Grade Class

All homework and announcements can be found in your child's Google Classroom account. Class Code to join: yo5e214 (Students only)
This and That
Weekly Activities
P.E.: Mondays and Wednesdays: 8:55-9:45
Library: Fridays: 10:45-11:15
Computer lab: Tuesdays: 9:15-9:45
Box Tops for Education
Our school earns money for each box top collected. You can find the Box Tops on many food items that you currently buy. Gather all of your Box Tops and send them to school. Be on the look out and continue clipping!!
Important Brookhaven Times
What important times do I need to know?
Each morning your child should be in line BY 7:45 a.m. The front gates are locked AT 7:50 a.m. and if your child arrives AFTER the gates are closed, they will need to go through the office to pick up a pass to be admitted to class.
Water Bottles
The students are encouraged to bring water bottles to school. Unfortunately, we do not have a drinking fountain in our classroom. PLEASE make sure their water bottles have a sport pop-top to prevent spilling on desks and classwork.
Please send a NUTRITIOUS snack with your child each day. Even if they are purchasing lunch at school, they still need a healthy snack to help them get through the morning. Our recess break is from 9:45 to 10:05.
Going Home From School
It is very important that your child knows exactly how they are getting home from school every day. Parents may walk up to pick up their child (please wait by the kindergarten building on the grass), or children can go to the Multi-Purpose Room for Valet Pick-up. Children going to Child Care will be walked over for the first week of school. Please let your child know where they are to meet you at the end of the day.
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